

지속가능경영 이미지

Ethical Management.

Humasis promises to create the best quality and service continuously based on technological innovation, unite all executives and employees together based on management policy of harmony, and set customer-oriented management as the priority value to perform transparent and fair management and become the leader of the bio industry.

Charter of Ethics

Humasis enacts the Charter of Ethics as follows to set the standard of behaviors and judgment for executives and employees and promises to do its best to practice the Charter of Ethics.


Taking customers first as our top priority, we cooperate sincerely for co-existence and prosperity as partners who live with stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, competitors, and suppliers.


We comply with laws and social norms in all social activities, including economic activities, respect market economic order, and faithfully fulfill our rights and obligations as a healthy corporate citizen.


We do our best in our duties with honesty and integrity and create an organizational culture based on human relations and labor-management cooperation that respect and care for each other.


Based on unity, we contribute to human health by developing and providing human-friendly high-tech products that combine bio-analysis technology and IT technology with the passion of all employees.

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to define Humasis’ standards for value judgment and the related contents to practice ethical management.

Article 2 (Applicable to)

This Code of Ethics applies to all employees and suppliers of Humasis Co., Ltd.

Article 3 (Definition of Terms)

  • Money and valuables: Cash, securities, goods and other economic benefits.
  • Entertainment and reception: Refer to the benefits of meals, alcohol, entertainment, pleasure, etc.
  • Convenience: Any case where the other party's economic loss occurs for the convenience of the recipient, such as lodging and transportation other than money, entertainment and reception, support for various events, tourist information.

Article 4 (Protection of Shareholders' Rights and Interests)

  • The Company protects shareholders’ rights and respects shareholders' legitimate needs and suggestions.
  • The Company faithfully discloses management information to establish mutual trust with shareholders and investors and strives to maximize shareholder profits.

Article 5 (Equal Treatment)

  • The Company shall fairly and equally treat all shareholders, including minority shareholders.
  • The Company shall always decide the management intention in consideration of the interests of all shareholders, but shall not unfairly infringe on the interests or rights of minority shareholders.

Article 6 (Providing Information Actively)

  • The Company shall record and manage accounting data in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles to transparently provide financial status and business performance.
  • The Company provides accurate management information in a timely manner under the relevant statutes to help information users, such as investors, make rational investment decisions.

Article 7 (Respect for Customers)

  • Always listen to customers’ opinions and make customer satisfaction the top priority for all judgments and actions.
  • Respond to customers with polite and refined attitude, and maintain neat clothes and appearance.
  • Treat the customer's business as a top priority.
  • Respond kindly and sincerely when calling with customers.

Article 8 (Fulfilment of Promise with Customers)

  • Be sure to keep promises with customers and tell only the truth.
  • When problems arise regarding basic sales activities such as telephone response, visit consultation, delivery, and customer complaints, try to minimize customer complaints by actively responding.

Article 9 (Providing Value required by Customers)

  • Try to create the value that customers need under the recognition that customers’ development is our development.
  • Provide the highest quality products and services that meet customer needs at reasonable prices, and respond to customers' legitimate needs promptly and accurately.

Article 10 (Protection of Customer’s Interests)

  • When the customer demands a fair exchange or return for the product, respond to it promptly.
  • We do not engage in any immoral behavior in our relationship with customers, and do not use customer-related information for other purposes or provide it to third parties without prior consent from customers.

Article 11 (Compliance with Laws and Commerce Customs)

  • We do not violate domestic fair trade related laws and regulations.
  • Employees overseas shall be familiar with local laws and business practices and try not to violate them.

Article 12 (Respect for Market Order of Free Competition)

  • Practice good faith competition based on mutual respect with competitors, and do not infringe on competitors' interests or use weaknesses unfairly.
  • We do not slander competitors or make mutual comparisons without grounds through advertisements.
  • Acquire and utilize information in a legitimate manner based on laws and regulations and business practices, and do not unfairly disclose even competitors’ information to the outside.

Article 13 (Fair Trade)

  • All transactions shall be made fairly in a mutually equal position, and both parties shall negotiate the terms and procedures sufficiently.
  • Changes in the terms and conditions of the transaction shall be determined by mutual consultation with the relevant supplier.
  • When evaluating suppliers, focus on securing fairness by applying objective and clear standards.

Article 14 (Prohibition of Unfair Acts)

  • When the transaction is stopped with a fixed partner company, a clear reason and date shall be notified to ensure objectivity and validity.
  • Secure fairness by ensuring that there is no suspension of transactions due to unilateral judgment using unfair methods.
  • Do not receive money, entertainment, reception or convenience from partner companies by using superior positions related to work.

Article 15 (Pursuit of Mutual Development)

  • Both parties shall make mutual efforts to create a transparent trading climate through fair and rational trading relationships.
  • In the long term, actively support suppliers to grow with competitiveness, and share the profits generated from them with each other.

Article 16 (Basic Ethics)

  • Have pride and self-respect as a Humasis employee and maintain an honest and sincere attitude at all times.
  • Efficiently achieve the goals and value that the company pursues through active cooperation and smooth communication between colleagues and related departments..
  • Do not use the company's goods or expenses privately by strictly keeping the private and public life separate.
  • In the event of family occasions, do not place a burden on the other party by notifying the partner companies.
  • Strive for self-development to recognize the changing situation and cultivate the ability to lead the company.
  • Do the best to prevent accidents through thorough safety inspection and management.
  • Try not to leak customer information and in-house information and purchase and use genuine computer-related software.
  • When performing work, use the company's resources efficiently and do not waste them.

Article 17 (Fair Business Performance)

  • Perform all tasks in a fair and fair manner and do not act against laws, regulations, and business practices.
  • Do not receive any form of economic benefit from stakeholders that could impair business-related fairness.
  • Do not engage in unethical acts that are unacceptable social norms in relation to work and daily life.
  • The supervisor is not allowed to give subordinates work orders that do not comply with laws, company rules and commercial practices, and the subordinates may refuse to perform their duties and are not disadvantaged even if they report such contents to the company's sinmungo.

Article 18 (Prohibition of Financial Transactions between Employees, Solicitation and Gift Giving)

  • In principle, monetary loans, solidarity guarantee and mutual guarantee between employees are prohibited.
  • Do not make an improper request for work between employees or receive any form of economic benefit in exchange for improper requests.
  • In principle, the act of providing gifts between employees is prohibited. However, the following cases are exceptions.
    - Gifts voluntarily provided by supervisors to subordinates
    - Casual gifts provided through consultation between department members on a birthday or anniversary

Article 19 (Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work)

  • Does not give offense through intentional or unnecessary physical contact.
  • Do not give a sexual analogy or evaluation of the body of a co-worker.
  • Do not say anything or do acts that cause sexual shame on the other person or emphasizes a fixed sexual role.
  • Do not force alcohol or dance at get-together and refrain from dirty jokes.
  • Do not watch pornographic materials in the company such as Internet pornography sites.

Article 20 (Respect for Each Other)

  • Practice good manners necessary for work life.
  • Do not say unpleasant words or make comments that degrade the other person.
  • Do not act to give the other person pain or disgust.
  • Do not create factions or discriminate according to school, gender, religion, kinship, region of origin, disability, nationality, race, etc.

Article 21 (Respect for Employees and Talent Training)

  • Establish a system that allows employees to perform work with pride and reward based on a sense of ownership.
  • The Company shall provide all employees with educational opportunities necessary for work, and the employees shall share the acquired tangible and intangible knowledge for the development of the Company.
  • From the point of view of talent training, the supervisor shall give all necessary advice and guidance in consideration of the subordinate’s aptitude and talent.
  • respect individual privacy and strive to build a corporate culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
  • Create conditions for employees to perform creative tasks, and try to identify and solve problems on a regular basis.

Article 22 (Fair Treatment)

  • Give employees equal business opportunities in consideration of aptitude and talent.
  • Evaluate and compensate by applying objective criteria according to the capabilities and achievements of employees.
  • Provide equal opportunities to improve employees’ capabilities, and do not discriminate according to school, gender, religion, kinship, region of origin, disability, nationality, or race etc.

Article 23 (Sound Company Activities)

  • Reject all acts that hinder sound business activities.
  • Do not act any ac that harms the national economy or creates disharmony with the national sentiment.

Article 24 (Contribution to National Development and Community with Employment, Tax Payment, and Welfare Business)

  • Contribute to national development by creating jobs and paying taxes faithfully, and fulfill responsibilities as corporate citizens through education, culture and welfare projects.
  • Encourage and support employees to participate in sound social service activities.
  • Try to accept and solve the legitimate needs of each class of the society and residents.

Article 25 (Environmental Protection and Eco-Friendly Product Development)

  • Try to minimize the emission of environmental pollutants and take priority of preventing damage to the community in the event of an accident.
  • Comply with all laws and regulations related to environmental protection and strive to develop environmentally friendly products and services.
  • Actively participate in local environmental conservation activities.

Article 26 (Prohibition o Political Activity and Illegal Aids at Place of Business)

  • No political activities are permitted in the workplace.
  • Do not engage in illegal support activities for candidates or political parties in any election.

Article 27 (Compliance with Code of Ethics by Executives and Employees)

  • All employees shall comply with the Code of Ethics, and executives and managers are responsible for managing their employees to comply with the Code of Ethics.
  • In the event of a violation of the Code of Ethics, prevent recurrence through thorough cause identification and training.
  • All executives and employees shall faithfully abide by the Code of Ethics, and if they violate it, they are responsible for such actions, including disciplinary action.
  • If an act that violates the Code of Ethics is forced or recognized, report it to the head of the department or the relevant executive officer, the planning department, or the newspaper on the homepage. Take measures against any action that raises suspicion after consulting with your supervisor or officers in advance.