

지속가능경영 이미지

Environmental Management.

Humasis develops innovative technologies to create a sustainable environment management system. Humasis executives and employees are engaged in eco-friendly activities for everyone’s healthy and happy life.

협곡 자연

Environmental Management Promotion Plan

As a bio company that aims to make everyone enjoy a happier and healthier life, Humasis recognizes its responsibility to create the environment for sustainable life.
Humasis promises to try its best to promote the following environmental management plans for a healthy and clean life.

Humasis strictly complies with domestic and international environmental statutes and regulations in its management and production activities.

Humasis develops innovative technologies to minimize environmental influence and utilize resources efficiently.

Humasis carries out continuous education activities and open communication to raise the awareness on environmental management for executives and employees.

Humasis regularly sets detailed management indicators for environmental management and monitors them for continuous management.

Environmental Management Practice Measures

작업환경 이미지
Work Environment
  • Clean Work Environment
  • Keeps Hygienic Environment with Worker’s Safety Clothes and Changing Rooms
  • Thorough Waste Disposal Method
사내환경 이미지
Company Environment
  • Company Energy Consumption Reduction
  • Environmental Risk Prevention and Eco-Friendly Activity
  • Eco-Friendly Products